Mug Shot — «1991 Caffe Latte V1 Early Ad Campaign Tumbler»

From , USA


Fred's Favorites

Mug Details #10475

Starbucks City Mug 1991 Caffe Latte V1 Early Ad Campaign Tumbler

made in USA 12oz
See also FO tumblers 10336, 10094, 10095, 10096 and 10384
This Caffe Latte V1 tumbler features the 1987 style logo, (as does the Cappuccino V1), and was released in 1991. The Caffe Latte V2, Cappuccino V2, Caffe Mocha and Caffe Americano tumblers feature the 1992 logo. Based on the year of release...this appears to be one of the very first, if not THE first tumbler series Starbucks produced.

Starbucks chose the Roberts Group, Portland, Ore., in 1988, for the company's early advertising. That included the "Familiarity breeds contentment" campaign, which began with transit and outdoor boards and consisted of pictures of drinks with architectural drawing lines to illustrate ingredients, later developed into brochures and point-of-purchase displays.

From 'AdAge' trade publication

  push button, USA, caffe latte, Vintage, Tumbler

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