Mug Shot — «Cancun II - Playa Tortugas»

From Cancun, Mexico


Fred's Favorites

Mug Details #1123

Starbucks City Mug Cancun II - Playa Tortugas

Cancún is a city in south-eastern Mexico, located on the north-east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. It is a world-renowned tourist destination as well as being the seat of the Benito Juárez municipality. The city is located off of the Caribbean Sea, and is one of the eastern-most points in Mexico. Cancún is located in Mexico's Caribbean coast resort band known as the Riviera Maya.

Playa Tortugas is widely considered a locals beach spot with relaxed atmosphere and clean sands. The area also has several open-air restaurants that make for great evening dining. Some travelers enjoy Tortugas so much that they choose the area over their own hotel's beach. Playa Tortugas is located at KM 6.5 along the Hotel Zone.

photo by mobydick74
edited by mobydick74

  Mexico, Cancun

Karma: 12 Added by jockel 1 Comments


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