Mug Shot — «Chihuahua - Ángel de la Libertad»

From Chihuahua, Mexico


Fred's Favorites

Mug Details #1050

Starbucks City Mug Chihuahua - Ángel de la Libertad

The city of Chihuahua is the state capital of the Mexican state of Chihuahua. It has a population of over 800.000. The predominant activity is industry, including domestic heavy, light industries, consumer goods production, and to a smaller extent maquiladoras.

Ángel de la Libertad - statue at Plaza Mayor or Plaza del Ángel in Chihuahua, Mexico. This plaza was opened on 15 September 2003 during the ceremony of the Cry of Independence, when the statue of Angel of Freedom was revealed. The statue is a swivel-foot sculpture, whose right hand wields a sword that emits a beam. The inscription on his plaque indicates that the monument is dedicated to the memory of the heroes that defined a destination to conquer the origin and development of Mexico.

photo by argicgr
edited by mobydick74

  Mexico, Chihuahua

Karma: 5 Added by dragon89 3 Comments


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