Mug Shot — «Vancouver - No Slogan 18 oz Mug»

From Vancouver, Canada


Fred's Favorites

Mug Details #1717

Starbucks City Mug Vancouver - No Slogan 18 oz Mug

There are 2 versions of this mug. The original version had the"Beautiful British Columbia" slogan in the mug which created problems as it is trademarked by the British Columbia Provincial Government. As a result of trademark infringement, this is the second version of the Vancouver Skyline mug released in the later half of 2002 and it has no slogan inside it. It is not valued to the same extent that the earlier version with the slogan is valued by collectors as this version of the mug was produced over a significantly longer period of time.

  Canada, Vancouver, 02 Skyline Series

Karma: 3 Added by Irene 0 Comments


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