Mug Shot — «Vancouver Island - Killer Whale Games»

From Vancouver Island, Canada


Fred's Favorites

Mug Details #1530

Starbucks City Mug Vancouver Island - Killer Whale Games

Vancouver Island is a large island in British Columbia, Canada. It is one of several North American locations named after George Vancouver, the British Royal Navy officer who explored the Pacific Northwest coast of North America between 1791 and 1794. While the city of Vancouver is located on the North American mainland, Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, is located on the island.

It is a famous place for whale watching and wildlife viewing.

photo by lucky
edited by mobydick74

  Canada, Vancouver Island

Karma: 11 Added by R.J. 2 Comments


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Arpeggios   16 Feb 2016

If anyone has this mug and is looking to sell, please let me know. I don't have any global icons to trade, but would really like the mug from my hometown.

Jen_Jen   19 May 2017

I have this mug and I would like to sell it to any interested collector :). Please contact me if you are interested.