Mug Shot — «Wiesbaden - Kochbrunnen»

From Wiesbaden, Germany


Fred's Favorites

Mug Details #1506

Starbucks City Mug Wiesbaden - Kochbrunnen

Wiesbaden is a city in southwest Germany and the capital of the federal state of Hesse. It has about 280,000 inhabitants, plus approximately 10,000 United States citizens (mostly associated with the United States Army). Wiesbaden, together with the cities of Frankfurt am Main, Darmstadt and Mainz, is part of the Frankfurt Rhine Main Region, a metropolitan area with a combined population of about 5.8 million people. Wiesbaden is one of the oldest spa towns in Europe. Its name translates to "meadow baths," making reference to the hot springs. At one time, Wiesbaden boasted 26 hot springs. Fourteen of the springs are still flowing today. In 1970, the town hosted the tenth Hessentag state festival.

The Kochbrunnen in Wiesbaden is the most famous hot spring of the town. The sodium chloride hot spring was the center of Wiesbaden treatment in the 19th Century. Its name refers to the water temperature of about 66 ° C. The source on the Kochbrunnenplatz was first mentioned in 1366 as Bryeborn and 1536 as Syedenborn. It is an artesian source that is taken today by a bore. The yield is about 360 liters / minute. The Kochbrunnen water when exiting a temperature of 66.1 ° C, smells faintly of hydrogen sulfide and strong salty taste. It is clear, yellowish turbid but one after 24 hours of air. The high content of carbon dioxide maintains the hardness initially in solution, after the expansion of the water to fall out, but as calcium carbonate. The resulting oxidized metals colorize the sintering, the mineral deposits, red. Kochbrunnen is well known as one of the primary sources of Wiesbaden. Only a small portion of the water feeds the drinking place in Kochbrunnen pavilion. The main flow is directed to the processing plant in the Kaiser-Friedrich-Bad. From there it passes into the extensive thermal water system of the city. It is used for medicinal purposes.

photo by lucky
edited by mobydick74

  Germany, Wiesbaden

Karma: 8 Added by Lucky 1 Comments


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