Mug Shot — «1995 Starbucks 'Desserts With CARE' Event Mug»

From , USA


Fred's Favorites

Mug Details #10683

Starbucks City Mug 1995 Starbucks 'Desserts With CARE'  Event Mug

Reverse side of mug... 'CARE Fifty Years'

At CARE, we believe that dynamic partnerships are critical to solving complex global challenges. Our partners - from corporations to foundations to entrepreneurs - are committed to developing and supporting socially responsible initiatives that build stronger communities in the developing world, while enhancing business and development goals.

Together, CARE and our partners can help build a world of opportunities.

see also 1995 CARE related FO tumblers #10377, #10278, #10277 and #10607

  CARE, 1995, Desserts event, USA

Karma: 1 Added by Barry 0 Comments


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