Mug Shot — «Brisbane - Story Bridge»

From Brisbane, Australia


Fred's Favorites

Mug Details #1141

Starbucks City Mug Brisbane - Story Bridge

Brisbane is the capital of the Australian state of Queensland and the third most populous city in Australia. It is named after the river on which it sits. The city played a central role in the Allied campaign during World War II.

The Story Bridge is a steel cantilever bridge spanning the Brisbane River that carries vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic between the northern and the southern suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It is the longest cantilever bridge in Australia. Named for John Douglas Story, a senior and influential public servant who had advocated strongly for the bridge's construction has become notorious as a suicide hotspot.

photo by lucky
edited by mobydick74

  Australia, Brisbane

Karma: 8 Added by Lucky 1 Comments


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